
LowellRevealing Emulsion Color With Argan Oil Ox 10 volumes Emulsão Reveladora Hair Care 900g/30.4 oz

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Product Overview


Lowell Color Emulsion with Argan Ox 10 volumes 900g/30. 43 oz

Lowell Color Revelator Emulsion 10 Volumes has a fully stabilized formula, ensuring a constant volume, safe and efficient, providing greater protection to the scalp, avoiding allergies.

Its formula is compounded by Argan Oil which provides differentiated shine and smoothness to the hair, besides protecting and hydrating.


In a non-metallic container, mix the bleaching powder with the Lowell Revealing Emulsion, until the desired viscosity for the chosen technique is obtained.

The proportion to be used is, from 1:1 to 1:5, being considered the ideal viscosity 1:2.

Apply the mixture on dry and unwashed hair. Wear gloves. In case of sensitive hair, apply Pre-Chemistry Queratin before the procedure.

Package contents

  • - 01 Lowell Color Revelator Emulsion With Argan Ox 10 volumes 900g/30. 43 oz