Let Me Be

Learn more about Let Me Be!

Let Me Be is a Professional Brand that always seeks innovation in your products, thinking about how exceed the expectations and needs of its customers.  Investing in high technology manufacturing, performing rigorous performance and safety tests to ensure a product of excellent quality.

Professional Brand that produces many products, such as: progressive, shampoos, conditioners, masks, discoloring powder among many others.

Know a little bit about each product:

Let Me Be Protein Smoothing: is a progressive single step, was developed with a new technology capable of restoring and preventing the aging of the hair, its formula is based on a blend of amino acids and proteins that act on the hair giving the desired result.

Let Me Be Biorestore Mask: a mask that promotes an instantaneous treatment, nourishing and regenerating the hair fiber.

Let Me Be Protein Smoothing Blond: a progressive one specially created for blondes that provides softness and intense shine besides shading the light and blond hair.

Try it and see the results!