Coquette Girl: Discover the trend and get inspired by these hairstyles!

Posted by Barbosa, Larissa on 7th May 2024

Coquette Girl: Discover the trend and get inspired by these hairstyles!

Welcome to the enchanting world of the Coquette Girl, the trend that is winning the hearts and styles of many fashionistas around the world. In this post, we'll dive into this sweet and sophisticated style, exploring its roots, characteristics and, of course, the hairstyles that perfectly complement this trend.

What is Coquette Girl?

The Coquette Girl trend is inspired by vintage charm, femininity and a delicately crafted aesthetic. This style is often associated with romantic elements such as bows, ruffles and floral prints. The word "coquette" has French origins and is related to the idea of a woman who is charmingly seductive and confident, without losing her sweetness.

Main Features of the Coquette Girl Style:

  • Clothes: Dresses and skirts with classic cuts, adorned with ruffles, bows and light fabrics such as chiffon and silk.

  • Accessories: Pearls, hair bows and small jewelry details that highlight a carefully groomed look.

  • Make-up: Tending towards pastel tones and a "dewy" finish, emphasizing naturalness with a touch of glamour.

Hairstyles for the Coquette Girl:

Loose and romantic curls:

  • Description: Light, voluminous curls that add an air of effortless sophistication.
  • How to: Use a medium-sized curling iron and finish with a light hold spray for a long-lasting look.

Crown braid:

  • Description: A braid that circles the head, perfect for highlighting the femininity and elegance of the coquette style.
  • How to do it: Start with an inlaid braid on one side of the head and continue around, pinning discreetly under the hair.

Low ponytail with bow:

  • Description: A simple ponytail, enriched with a thick ribbon bow to add a vintage charm.
  • How to do it: Make a low, neat ponytail and tie it with a ribbon that matches your outfit.

Adopting the Coquette Girl style is more than just following a trend; it's a way of expressing femininity, delicacy and a hint of mystery. With these hairstyles, you're ready to charm on any occasion!

Did you like the hairstyles? Which one will you try first? Share your photos and experiences in the comments below, and don't forget to follow our blog for more fashion and beauty tips!