
Kit Felps Gelatina Fixadora Umidificador Curls Avocado Oil Azeite Abacate Cachos 2x500ml/2x16.9fl.oz

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Product Overview


The Curl Fixing Gelatin + Humidifier Kit was developed with a formulation rich in proteins, amino acids, minerals and vitamins A,B,C,D and E.

In the Kit contains:

Avocado Oil Fixative Gelatin No Poo 2ABC - 4ABC 500ml/16.9fl.oz
Avocado Bunch Oil No Poo 2ABC - 4ABC 500ml/16.9fl.oz

Application Avocado Gelatin Fixative Olive Oil:

With clean and wet hair, apply the necessary amount of Avocado Oil Fixing Gelatin in a uniform way. Use your fingers to loosen the hair and flex from the ends to the root to model the curls.

Curls Humidifier Application:

At any time of the day, apply the Curl Humidifier on the hair to activate the curl.


Extreme shiny, frizz-free, moisturized hair and defined curls for longer.